Favorite thing: Baseball
He might get made fun of for saying so, but Ash just wants to help everyone that he reasonably can. He has lived in Cinqport since birth.
Favorite thing: Chess
Operator of a very popular website, Chesse is a loyal friend who frequently has trouble sleeping. She always keeps her phone charged.
Favorite thing: Programming
Being a single parent isn't easy, but Otto makes the best of it with dad jokes and a striking mustache. He is a bit naive in his optimism.
Favorite thing: Treats
Sometimes she acts more like a dog (or raccoon), but deep down, Pezi is a very curious cat. She will follow Ash just about anywhere.
Likes: Wrestling
Likes: Cooking
Likes: Reading
Likes: Frisbee
Likes: Painting
Likes: Karate
Likes: Coding
Likes: Drama
Likes: Singing
Likes: Trouble
Likes: ?????
(stay tuned - more to come)
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@OtosanGame on Twitter
@OtosanGame on Instagram
see public posts on Patreon or
I was lucky enough to be a kid back when EarthBound and Final Fantasy 6 were new. Those stories changed my life. I played them at precisely the right age, when I was a naive little sponge. They ingrained in me a deep love of helping other people.
I might not know you, but I suspect that you could use a little bit of kindness, compassion, and love. I hope that this story can deliver those things to you. And so, this game is my gift to you, whoever you may be.
Otosan is a non-profit endeavor, funded by contributions from gamers like you. The more pledges this Patreon project receives, the sooner Otosan can be completed. If enough folks chip in, I can shed my mercenary work, and develop this full-time.
No matter what happens, I will continue to create as much content as I can, as fast as I can. It is truly a labor of love.
- William Kage